Which types of programs are required to follow the updated Usage Requirements?

Which types of programs are required to follow the updated Usage Requirements?

As of 1 January, 2021, all of the following new and registered projects and Programmes of Activities (PoAs)/VPAs shall be required to apply the Usage Requirements:

  1. Implementation/operation of:
    1. Household biogas digesters and/or 
    2. Improved cooking devices 
            AND that apply
  1. Gold Standard’s Technologies and Practices to Displace Decentralized Thermal Energy Consumption (TPDDTEC) methodology,
  2. The ADALYs methodology, and/or
  3. Black Carbon methodology
Please note that registered projects and PoA/VPAs involving household biogas digesters, with monitoring periods after 26/10/2021, must demonstrate compliance with Usage Requirements v.2.0. The project/PoA/VPAs can submit the revised monitoring plan with issuance requests submitted before 26/10/2021.