Which project types does the updated Global Warming Potential values apply to?

Which project types does the updated Global Warming Potential values apply to?

All emission reductions and removals accrued by GS4GG projects and PoAs (micro, small- and large-scale) will be calculated by using the IPCC AR5 GWP values.

This requirement will apply to all GS4GG projects and PoAs and entered into force from 01 January 2021.

All Project Design Documents (PDDs) or PoA Design Documents (PoA-DDs, CPA/VPA-DDs), as applicable, where the time of first submission is on or after 01 January 2021 shall use the IPCC AR5 GWP values for demonstrating additionality, determining contributions to SDGs and calculating ex-ante emission reductions and removals.