How does the new renewable energy eligibility clause apply to Registered Programmes of Activity (PoAs)?
The new eligibility requirements, as defined in Renewable Energy Activity Requirements, paragraph 2.1.3, set the following requirements for registered PoAs:
- A registered PoA can continue including new Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs)/Component Project Activities (CPAs) as per the approved inclusion criteria in the registered PoA-Design Document (i.e. against the previous renewable energy (RE) eligibility rules) until the next renewal of the PoA. At that time, the inclusion criteria for new VPAs/CPAs must be updated in line with the new eligibility rules as defined in RE activity requirements, paragraph 2.1.3.
- Any new VPAs/CPAs included as per the previous rules can continue until the end of their respective maximum allowed crediting period.
- Registered PoAs are not allowed to extend the boundary of the registered PoA to include new countries or expand the scope to include new renewable technology types until next PoA renewal. The PoAs that are in line with the new eligibility rules can extend the boundary of the registered PoA to include new countries or expand the scope to include new renewable technology types.