Preliminary Review Submission Process

Preliminary Review Submission Process

Preliminary Review Submission Process

To submit the correct documentation to start a preliminary review process, there are a series of 9 steps that need to be done prior to initiating. In this section, you will find the detailed steps to take. 


  1. Step 1) Confirm a Gold Standard Registry Account has been opened and the account is active
  2. Step 2) Confirm an SC Platform Account is opened and login name and password are available
  3. Step 3) Log in once an SC Platform Account is opened an and add a new project to the SC Platform: (How do I create a New Project wih SustainCERT App?)  
  4. Step 4) Communicate here, going forward, with the SustainCERT certification team
  5. Step 5) Book a preliminary review (How do I book a Preliminary Review?)
  6. Step 6) Look for your invoice. Once a review date is confirmed by our certification team, you will get an invoice by email (How is an invoice generated by SustainCERT). After a review is booked in the SC Platform, the invoice is triggered 30 days prior to the review date.  Thus, if the review date is less than 30 days from the booking date, the invoice will be issued right away. The review is technically not allowed to commence until the payment is received and the documentation is in good order
  7. Step 7) Pay your invoice. You will receive an invoice with the due date after the preliminary review booking is confirmed. SustainCERT is paid with a wire transfer
  8. Step 8) Upload your documents for preliminary review  (How do I upload project documents?). Project Developers upload required documentation in the SC Platform. All required documents and templates (What documents must be submitted for Preliminary Review?).

LUF Preliminary Review

For a LUF preliminary review the following documents are also needed:
  • LUF Risks and capacities
  • Additionality
  • Applicability
  • Baseline
  • CO2 fixation

 The templates for these documents can also be found here.

      IX. Step 9) Project Developers book a subsequent review for a date in the future, in the SC Platform, assuming the normal cycle. Note: Project listing and GS validation both need to be completed first.

For more clarification, you can contact us at
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