How can I book a Preliminary Review on SustainCERT Platform

How can I book a Preliminary Review on SustainCERT Platform

Booking Preliminary review is the first step after project creation on the SustainCERT platform, to begin with, Certification workflow.
After you login to the SustainCERT platform, Open your project from the list.

You will see the Project details page as shown below.

Click on the Reviews tab. You will see all reviews available and their status.
To book a Preliminary review, click on the down arrow button right next to review to view a list of options associated with the review.

From the below options, click on the down arrow button next to Actions.

Under Actions, the "Book Preliminary Review" field will appear.
Choose a date from the date field and click on the button "Book Preliminary Review".

The status of the review will update as requested with the date selected.

Note:  The date selected here is the Initiation Date of review.
            You can't select a date earlier than 2 weeks from current date as initiation date of Preliminary review. To book the review earlier than 2 weeks, please contact