Does the new renewable energy (RE) eligibility clause apply to projects seeking Gold Standard (GS) Renewable Energy Labels?
Does the new renewable energy (RE) eligibility clause apply to projects seeking Gold Standard (GS) Renewable Energy Labels?
No. Section 2.1.3 of the Renewable Energy Activity Requirements only affects the eligibility of projects issuing GS-Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) or GS-Certified Emission Reductions (CERs); projects applying other pathways are not affected.
Sustainable Development Goal Projects The SustainCERT App has been designed to function for GS4GG projects, which require a minimum of 3 SDG contributions to be monitored, therefore requires 3 SDGs values to be inputted as a default. If your project ...
No. Renewable Energy projects supplying electricity to a mini-grid are exempted from this eligibility requirement and shall follow Gold Standard (GS) Community Services Activity Requirements to issue GS-Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) or ...
This outcome only affects the eligibility of projects issuing GS-VERs or GS-CERs, projects applying other pathways (i.e, Gold Standard Renewable Energy Labels) are not affected.
Land Use and Forestry (LUF) Projects All LUF Projects must follow the Gold Standard for the Global Goals Principles and Requirements, the Stakeholder Consultation and Engagement Requirements, the Safeguarding Principles & Requirements, and the Gender ...
No. This type of project is exempt from the new eligibility requirements and shall follow Gold Standard (GS) Community Services Activity Requirements to issue GS-VERs (Verified Emission Reductions) or GS-CERs (Certified Emission Reductions).