Do hydropower project activities require independent expert input?

Do hydropower project activities require independent expert input?

Unless already addressed satisfactorily as part of an existing Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), the opinion of an independent, relevant expert(s) shall be provided at a minimum to address all of the following issues:

  1. Are there any competing uses of water resources at the project location, of what nature and how severe are they? 

  2. What is the minimum ecological flow that shall be complied with at any point in time, accounting for the specificities of local ecosystems and seasonality?

  3. What quality assurance and control procedures shall be put in place for appropriate continuous monitoring over the crediting period?

  4. Is the groundwater level seriously affected by the hydropower project? What quality assurance and control procedures shall be put in place for appropriate continuous monitoring over the crediting period?

  5. Is the design of the fish passages and screens (water intake structure) installed in line with internationally recognised guidance? Are these measures indeed effective over the crediting period, and if not, what shall be done to improve the situation?

  6. What sediment the management plan shall be considered? Is it indeed effective over the crediting period, and if not, how shall it be improved?

  7. What mitigation measures shall be put in place to prevent soil erosion? Are they effective and if not, what complementary action shall be taken?