Deviation Request fee

Deviation Request fee

The following Fee Schedule goes into effect on 15 June 2024 for all Gold Standard for the Global Goals Projects by SustainCERT. 

Dedicated to promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility, SustainCERT (SC) ensures meticulous and comprehensive reviews for projects seeking certification. 

Through a structured procedure, SustainCERT addresses instances where deviations may occur during the certification review process, stemming from requests for temporary changes or leniencies from established rules. To streamline this process, ensure effective handling, and accelerate delivery time we have implemented a structured procedure along with a nominal service charge. 

Deviation request charge: 
  1. $1000 USD service charge will be applied per deviation request, regardless of whether it pertains to a single Verified Project Activity (VPA) or a bundle of identical VPA projects.
The fee, applied per deviation request submitted, aims to offset the expenses associated with reviewing each submission.  

  1.  Assessment of Deviation Request: Project Developer requests a deviation during the review or is informed by the Certification Officer to submit a deviation during the certification round. PD fills out the deviation request form and submits it via the SustainCERT HelpDesk. 
  2. Invoice Generation: SustainCERT will inform the client about the additional costs and request invoice for the deviation from the Finance team which generates the invoice for the deviation charge.
  3. Invoice Payment Confirmation: Upon payment confirmation, the Quality & Compliance team proceeds with the deviation request and examines the deviation.
  4. Deviation Decision:  The Quality & Compliance team informs the client about the deviation decision.  
SustainCERT is committed to ensuring transparency and fairness in its procedures while maintaining the integrity of the certification process for its valued clients. 

Additional Notes 

- Regardless the deviation decision approved or not approved, the fee is non-refundable. 

- All fees quoted are in US dollars (USD). 

Frequently Asked Questions

 What is the new deviation request fee? 
  1. The service charge is applicable when you’re seeking temporary changes or leniency in the rules. The Procedure for DEVIATIONS APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES  version 1.2 is followed: Deviations requests only applies to either 1 of 2 types of cases: 
    1. Deviation from Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG) requirements  and SDG Impact Quantification Methodologies and/or applicable  methodologies prior to submission for certification.
    2. Temporary changes to a certified project - which include changes from the  registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies or other standard  documents - that are expected not to occur beyond a given monitoring  period. 
Why is this service charge being introduced? 
  1. We have recently observed a significant increase in workload related to deviation requests. To manage this and maintain our high standards of service, we are introducing a fee for processing deviation requests in a timely manner. 
How much is the new deviation service charge? 
  1. The service charge is USD $1000.  
Is the service charge the same for a single VPA and bundles? 
  1. Yes, the service charge is fixed and applies uniformly, regardless of whether it is for a single project or a bundle of identical VPAs. This means that the amount of the service charge remains the same in either case. 
When will the new service charge take effect? 
  1. The service charge will be implemented starting on 15th June 2024 for new deviation submission. 
Who will be affected by the new service charge? 
  1. The charge will apply to any project developer who is requesting a temporary change or leniency in the GS4GG rules and requirements.  
Are there any exemptions from the service charge? 
  1. No, this fee applies to any deviation request sent to SustainCERT.  
How will the service charge be applied? 
  1. The service charge is applied upon your request for the service. Our Finance team will share the invoice with you. Once payment is confirmed—either by the funds being received in our bank account or by you providing proof of payment—we will immediately begin processing your deviation request. 
Will the service charge affect existing contracts or agreements? 
  1. This charge does not apply retrospectively, we only charge new requests as of 15/06/2024.  
What if I have questions or concerns about the new service charge? 
  1. You can contact our HelpDesk team at for any questions or concerns. 
How does the deviation request fee benefit customers? 
  1. The service charge will allow us to enhance the efficiency of processing deviation requests.  
Is the service charge refundable? 
  1. No, this charge is not refundable, regardless the deviation decision is approved or rejected. 


    For more clarification or any other queries, you can contact us at

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