Can my project have an original methodology, or does an existing methodology have to be used?

Can my project have an original methodology, or does an existing methodology have to be used?

To demonstrate Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Impacts, many projects follow a Gold Standard Approved Methodology. It is not required that your project use an existing methodology, but any original methodology must be submitted for review and approval by Gold Standard. Refer to the Impact Quantification methodology approval procedure for details. Note that it is possible to develop a Project and a Methodology concurrently. Once a methodology is approved by Gold Standard, a project developer can then certify a project against the methodology.

A project developer can submit a Methodology Concept Note to the Gold Standard, at no charge, to get preliminary feedback from Gold Standard. Concept Notes are reviewed by Technical Advisory Committee members and/or technical reviewers. During this process gaps, concerns, or questions about the methodology concept are identified so Project Developers can gauge the potential success or failure of formally presenting a new methodology to Gold Standard.